Dawson, Georgia Speed Traps

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Dawson, GA

Dawson, GeorgiaSep 08, 20150 Comments

The speed traps in this town and all around the county is the worst I have ever seen! They use those scanners to check for everything! They also ask for insurance cards regardless! Just to up the ticket for those who no longer carry them! You may have insurance, but too bad! They are very bad around Terrell Academy and Labor Day you could not move! You will never ever get a warning, and some people are ticketed for thousands of dollars!!! Entrapment at its finest! You cannot enter anywhere that you will not find one!

Near Intersection US82/520

Dawson, GeorgiaDec 22, 20140 Comments

Can’t say I wasn’t slightly over 45 after turning onto 82, but was nowhere near the 59 I was cited for. The cop even tried to make me believe he was “doing me a favor” by not writing me up at 60! My out-of-state Miata looks like it could go fast, and that was close enough for him!

us 520keep 3-4 patrol cars each day

Dawson, GeorgiaDec 18, 20130 Comments

stop every vehicle in excess of 4 miles

Hwy 82 and 520

Dawson, GeorgiaJun 09, 20131 Comments

There is always a policeman sitting there waiting for you like the spider and the fly. They now have those devices that will catch you for tags expired as well as insurance. Speed is a lesser offense to them. Would rather catch those violaters with outstanding warrants or major $3000 fines.

Between Columbus and Dawson hwy 520

Dawson, GeorgiaMar 19, 20130 Comments

Local sheriff just waiting. Got ticketed when there was no traffic; just me. Speeding a little over 55, but come on.

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