Mountain City, Georgia Speed Traps

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Within 1 mile of city limit from north or south.

Mountain City, GeorgiaFeb 14, 20170 Comments

There are only two stretches of one mile or so between Clayton and Dillard where there is not likely to be a speed trap.

Speed limit of 45 is STRICTLY enforced

Mountain City, GeorgiaFeb 17, 20151 Comments

Mountain City Police have recently expanded their patrol area to include what used to be unincorporated Rabun Gap. The speed limit within their patrol area varies from 55 to 45 and they strictly enforce it all.

The entire length of Hwy 441 within the Dillard city limits

Mountain City, GeorgiaDec 01, 20100 Comments

Dillard’s finest pride themselves with parking along Hwy 441 looking for out-of-state drivers doing the least little thing wrong so they can be ticketed to help fill Dillard’s coffers. If you have a broken headlight or if you do not like to signal when you turn, make sure that you AVOID this sleepy little town in Northeast Georgia (there is not much to see or do here anyway).

441 South

Mountain City, GeorgiaOct 19, 20102 Comments

This tiny little hamlet of a town makes a lot of its revenue focusing on traffic violations, any kind will do. Speeds change numerous times and the police watch this two mile stretch of road like a hawk. They recently extended their city limits for this purpose. This should not even be a town, and it probably would not be if there was not so much revenue to make from travelors passing through. This is a main artery from Georgia to North Carolina. Just so you know they can arrest you for speeding in Georgia (yeah- thats right- lock you up and make you post bond). They can also impound your car for improper/expired registration- leave you standing by the side of the road. If this is not a hindrance on interstate commerce, I don’t know what is. Even judges and sherrifs deputies slow down going through here. Watch this place.

us 23/441

Mountain City, GeorgiaJun 27, 20090 Comments

Operating radar and laser in violation of state law by using part time officers for spped detection.

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