Roswell, Georgia Speed Traps

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holcomb br. rd just West of Martin’s Landing main entrance.

Roswell, GeorgiaMay 13, 20100 Comments

At the start of the turn in to the Office Depot center …there is a constant on duty Policeman with radar gun…

Houze Road, all 2miles from Mansell to North city limit

Roswell, GeorgiaMar 17, 20100 Comments

Numerous locations on both sides make it easy to hide, they swarm it with multiple pick up cars/motor cycles backing up a single radar unit.
They lowered the speed limit to 35mph to make it financially productive.
It has the advantages of being a thru way so most of the people
who drive here do no vote in Roswell
They work mostly in mid day away from rush hour traffic (rush hour traffic is already slow and they can’t make any money)

East Cobb – Roswell Rd (120) at Coleman Rd

Roswell, GeorgiaMar 10, 20100 Comments

On Roswell Rd (SR-120) Eastbound just over the Cobb/Fulton border into Fulton County is the intersection with Coleman Rd – a favorite shortcut to the Square in Old Roswell. In warm weather (summer) a motorcycle cop will park in the shade under a tree on Coleman Rd right at the intersection. From there he “shoots” his hand-held up Coleman Rd where it curves out of sight. He clocks every vehicle coming at him. When you round the curve and see him it’s way too late – he already has your speed. This location must be quite lucrative as it is manned at least once (and often several times) per week.

Roswell Road near Azalea Drive / Riverside Road

Roswell, GeorgiaJul 31, 20081 Comments

Cop stands on corner and sends cars to other cops down Riverside road who write tickets for whatever they can think of – if nothing noticeable will write ticket for no seatbelt – even if you have one on!

Fouts Road near In the driveway of the house next to the stop sign Trail

Roswell, GeorgiaApr 10, 20080 Comments

They will be here either to catch you going down the road faster than the posted 25 mph, or for not coming to a complete stop at the stop signs.

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