Stockbridge, Georgia Speed Traps

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Valley Hill Road

Stockbridge, GeorgiaFeb 06, 20160 Comments

The speed limit is only 35 miles an hour on a long straight stretch of road going down a hill. It is a sparsely populated area with few driveways in this area coming on the road. Henry county Police lie in wait and pull out behind you as you are going down the hill. If you don’t ride your brakes, you end up going over 35 which is far below what you can safely drive in this area.

A favorite is on Davis Rd.

Stockbridge, GeorgiaMar 04, 20120 Comments

They love to sit just inside the entrence of Pine Hills mobile home park on Davis Rd. They’re almost dailey at this point. Also on Davis road just past the walmart side enterence. Also do alot of stop and search right in front of the Ansley Park mobile home enterence. That one is done the most at night.

Rock Quarry Rd between Henry General Hospital and railroad.

Stockbridge, GeorgiaSep 29, 20110 Comments

At night, cars are lazered coming down the steep hill heading to town where speed limit is 45. When the road bottoms out, you crest the top of the hill Although you see construction signage and slow down appropriately, it’s too late. Officers pull over four vehicles at a time and charge you with driving over 25 miles per hour in a construction zone. You were lazered in the 45 mile per hour zone. The double irony is that no construction is going on! You are conveniently corralled with the other drivers into a fenced area surrounding a small business and then charged! As a passenger in the car, I was totally offended by the action of these two young officers.

I-75 traveling South Exit 215 after trees hidden in medium

Stockbridge, GeorgiaApr 24, 20100 Comments

Henry County sit in the middle of the expressway after trees using radar on traffic slow down till after EXIT 218. Been doing this for years……

Eagles Landing Publix

Stockbridge, GeorgiaApr 18, 20100 Comments

There is a nighttime police checkpoint at 909 Eagles Landing Parkway, Stockbridge, near the Publix supermarket there. They are stopping all vehicles, checking for identification and shining a lights inside the car.

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