Tallulah Falls, Georgia Speed Traps

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Hwy 441, Tallulah Falls, Georgia

Tallulah Falls, GeorgiaAug 28, 20230 Comments

School Zone on Hwy 441. Has flashing lights that are non operational. Must be a big school. Tallulah Falls population is 200. I suspect school wasn’t in session on 8-11-23.

Entering the City of Tallulah Falls

Tallulah Falls, GeorgiaNov 21, 20221 Comments

This speed trap is located on Hwy 441/23 heading North just before Tallulah Falls Middle School. I have been here since well before the school was built. I am a senior citizen and cannot afford to pay a $100.00 fine. Last year it was speculated that the City of Tallulah Falls was bankrupt. Odd that they found some money to install cameras and pay a third party to monitor and send tickets. Don’t stop or shop here!!! There is no way to avoid going over the limit unless you ride your brakes or set cruise control as this area is very hilly with many twists and turns. This is the biggest scam. The City of Tallulah Falls should be ashamed!

Hwy 441 intersects with School Road

Tallulah Falls, GeorgiaOct 19, 20220 Comments

The city has setup a speed camera on the south end of the city, where 441 intersects with School Road. There are signs posted that says the speed limit is 45MPH for a school zone When Flashing. (You can see the signs using the street view on google maps) However, they are giving out tickets when the lights are not flashing. It is an intentional misleading posting. Many people are slowing down to 45 and then when seeing the lights are not flashing, they speed back up to the normal speed limit in that area, which is 55MPH. My ticket was for 56MPH and arrived a few weeks later by mail. It is a complete Scam. They are using a 3rd party private company to do the billing and collecting of the fines. Do not stop and buy anything in Tallulah Falls until they fix it.

North Of Tallulah Falls on Hwy 441.

Tallulah Falls, GeorgiaMay 20, 20160 Comments

If you are heading to the mountains in North Ga using Hwy 441, say heading to Gatlinburg, be careful, the Ga state patrol many of them are all over the area. From Tallulah Falls to Clayton the speed limit is 55 but many think its 65 so many travelers are running 73 in a 55, You can go to Panama City Beach Florida and back and not see as many cops as you will see in this area, extending down from Toccoa to Dillard I think the speed limit should be raised from 55 to 65 in this 4 lane area that has a meadian.

U.S. Highway 441

Tallulah Falls, GeorgiaJan 03, 20102 Comments

This is a one man dept which does not provide 24/7 police protection as required by GA law for operating speed detection devices. He sits way off the side of the Hwy. and gets you when you come down the steep hill/curve. He is legal there but just barely.

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