Caldwell, Idaho Speed Traps
Across from Vallivue Middle School
There is a speed trap on 10th Ave across the street from Vallivue Middle School. The police sit in the parking lot of Idaho Fish and Game I think it is. They pull you over because that is where it goes from being 45 on 10th to being 35 AND a school zone.
On Highway 20/26/Franklin Road and Smeed
As you are coming in to Caldwell on Highway 20/26 the speed limit is 55mph and changes just as you cross the intersection at Smeed the speed limit changes to 35 mph. The officer sits back on the left side about a block before the stop light. And make sure your seat belt is on, because after all it is the law. He likes to cite for the no seat belt also.
Ustick Street near 10th Street
Between Montana & 10th on Ustick the speed limit drops from 35 to 20 mph. Police hide behind the wall next to the corner house at Montana.
Linden Road near Interstate 84
Watch out on Linden Rd. heading into Caldwell as you go down that hill under I-84. The speed limit is 50, but changes to 35 right before the hill. People get nailed there all the time for not slowing down as they go under the freeway. Cop sits on otherside of overpass and is out of view until too late. Also watch out on I-84 as you head into Caldwell from Nampa as the freeway begins to curve a bit more north as you leave Nampa. Bike cop sitting there occasionally. Construction! So double fine!
Illinois Avenue
On the south side of Illinois ave, just by the entrance to the trailer park located east of the city park, there is a hedge of juniper with a fence behiend it. I have seen some local caldwell units hiding there running radar. Its a great spot because you cant see em till you are right on top of them, then your busted. Add to that the fact that the speed limit is unusually low for this area, and you got the makings of a great speed trap.