Kuna, Idaho Speed Traps

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Deer Flat Street near School Street

Kuna, IdahoJul 17, 20080 Comments

Heading W. on Deer Flat, they like to park kiddie corner from School St. before you hit the Palamar Sub.

Avelon Avenue near Church

Kuna, IdahoMay 08, 20080 Comments

Police like to sit under the trees in front of the LDS church. Hard to see during the day, impossible to see during hours of darkness.


State Highway 69 Southbound near Lake Hazel Road

Kuna, IdahoJul 17, 20070 Comments

Officer hides in Subdivision Entrance on West side of road and catches traffic going Southbound towards Kuna over 55mph on a 4 lane highway that is wide open and should be signed for 65mph.

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