Lewiston, Idaho Speed Traps

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Nez Perce Grade, from Preston Ave. to 21st St.

Lewiston, IdahoApr 25, 20110 Comments

One might think that this particular stretch of road is a good shortcut to the Orchards, and you can drive as fast as you want.


LPD will sit in the gravel turnout near the top, just off Preston behind the trees, and gladly take a $75 donation to the city’s coffers because you were stupid, thinking Nez Perce Grade’s speed limit is 45 MPH. Way back when the grade was still known as 21st St. Grade, that was true. The city council had a neuron fire and decided this was a prime money making speed trap.

Preston Ave between Thain and 5th St.

Lewiston, IdahoApr 22, 20110 Comments

It’s 25 mph zoned, but is wide enough and looks like a 35 mph road. Cops will be parked along the road and get you as you pass even if you slow down.

18th Avenue, between 8th and 12th Sts.

Lewiston, IdahoApr 22, 20110 Comments

Lewiston PD has been stepping up their presence all over town, and this small hill is no exception. This is a posted 25 MPH residential zone with three schools in close proximity (Webster, McSorley, and the Nazarene Church on 8th). The city claims to be going broke because of the terrible economy, so count on getting ticketed if you’re so much as 1 MPH over the posted speed limit.

Bryden Canyon Road at the 8th St. on/off ramps

Lewiston, IdahoApr 22, 20110 Comments

Lewiston PD’s two motorcycle officers will station themselves with their LIDAR on one of the ramps (usually about halfway down the downhill ramp to Bryden Canyon Road), and shoot into traffic. They have a wide area to sweep from the bend under the pedestrian bridge all the way to Southway Bridge. It’s an 11% grade (very steep), so it’s far too easy to be exceeding the posted 45 MPH speed limit downhill. Idiots also like to drive recklessly and erratically uphill (as evidenced by the recent burnt rubber all over the road). About the time you realize you’re speeding, you see the pretty red and blue lights in your rear view, you get the required ass-chewing by the cop, *and* you’ve just contributed another $75 to the City Of Lewiston’s coffers.

17th Street near Jenifer Jr. High

Lewiston, IdahoMar 01, 20110 Comments

As you go north and cross 16th Ave it drops from 35mph to 25mph and its downhill. Lewiston cops have been writing tickets in this area for at least 15 years. Keep it below 30 and you should be alright unless there are kids and then drop down to 20-25 mph. This spot is a cash cow for the city !!!

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