Sandpoint, Idaho Speed Traps

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Hwy 2 at the east border of Sandpoint

Sandpoint, IdahoNov 01, 20140 Comments

Coming westbound into Sandpoint on Hwy 2 there’s an undeveloped area (no buildings) just before the city limits sign. Right as you enter the city there’s a 35 mph speed limit sign, which is partly hidden by tree foliage. The city police wait in a pullout immediately past the sign and nab people, particularly out-of-towners – usually pulling them over right across from the visitors center. Welcome to Sandpoint! Several locals confirmed this is a speed trap, saying “it’s a real industry here,” and we saw a patrol car waiting in the pullout three days in a row.

Kootenai Cut-off Road

Sandpoint, IdahoFeb 14, 20111 Comments

Kootenai Cutoff Road is a major thorough-fare with 3 lanes of traffic, but the speed limit is only 25 mph., unlike most surrounding roads that are 35-45mph. I believe anytime you have a 25 mph limit on a major road, it’s a trap. The cops usually park right around all those warehouse-looking buildings between the pet shelter and the RR tracks at HWY 200. They also target out-of-state vehicles – at the time, I was driving a friends truck with Wyoming tags. I have never been stopped in my car with Idaho tags, and I am certain I usually drive that road at 35 mph in it.

SH 200 Between Dover and Sandpoint

Sandpoint, IdahoNov 06, 20022 Comments

Speed limit sign (35mph) is in rural area approaching Sandpoint city limit. No prior indication of speed change. Police radar is in motion, and approaches you in opposite direction as you proceed toward town. Police vehicle radar paints you, and police vehicle turns around at next available driveway. Police car then follows for approximately 1-1.5 miles before turning on emergency lights to signal stop. Policemen are very vocal about out of state plates, particularly from Canada or State of Washington.

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