Shoshone, Idaho Speed Traps
downtown, where the highway passes through
Since everyone has been out in the desert going…fast, the localĀ cop isĀ giving tickets for going 27 in a 25 zone, but only if you have out of state plates. There is no traffic court, or traffic school to remove the points. The only way you could possibly contest a ticket would be to go back there and sit in court where everyone else is probably a relative of the officer. Too bad, because its kind of a cute little town.
Frankly, most of these little towns in the Basin and Range country are pretty much like this, and they patrol about ten miles outside of town in both directions. In fairness, there are a lot of farm vehicles and such, and people really ought to slow down outside of town out of courtesy, if nothing else.
Hiway 75
Observe posted speed limits Southbound entering town and exiting. Strictly enforced.
State Highway 93 near US Highway 93/75
Posted when entering city limits 20MPH unless otherwise posted. Out of towners beware because of harsh penalties.
US Highway 75/93 near Railroad crossing Crossing
Beware of the railroad crossing in Shoshone, come to a complete stop and sit their. If you dont wait at least 10 to 15 seconds, the city and county officers will stop you. If their is a train on the crossing, wait untill the crossing arms are completly in the up-right position. This is a nice little town, but the local officers are over zealous and want to make a name for themselves.