Addison, Illinois Speed Traps

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Swift RD, North of Army trail – south of US 20.

Addison, IllinoisMay 01, 20010 Comments

Speed limit is way slower then any like streets in the area with same residential type apartment housing. Road is a four-lane 10-foot grass median divided road with 4 story apartment houses nearly 40 feet off the road. Speed limit is 25 MPH. To travel the posted speed limit makes you feel like a snail on an O�Hare Runway if memory serves me correct�8-)


Addison, IllinoisApr 01, 20000 Comments

About a mile east of I-355 and 2 miles west of Ill-83 there’s an emergency vehicle turnaround on I-290 that Troopers love to clock motorists. Sometimes the street lights are off in that section of road making it difficult to see them at night. I’ve noticed white mustang police vehciles with passenger plates!

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