Algonquin, Illinois Speed Traps
Eastgate Street near State Route 62
Eastview School — The cops like to scan the traffic coming northbound on Eastgate St.
The cops sit way back in the parking lot behind the school so it is difficult to see them in the shadows. Police have been rarely observed in this location. This appears to be end of the month, let’s catch up on our quota type of location. The speed limit is 25, except on school days when it is 20 mph.
La Fox River Drive near State Route 31
Oftentimes a radar trailer can be observed parked north of the bike trail bridge aimed south to catch the northbound traffic. Just to keep the drivers on their toes the village likes to throw in some actual cops to make some money after the drivers grow complacent knowing �this is just that dumb radar trailer�.
State Route 62 near Lake Cook Road
IL Rte. 62
There is a private driveway/road that officers regularly use to run radar on. The driveway is on the south side of 62 east of Lake Cook road so this would work best for east bound traffic. Speed Limit is 45 MPH.
As with all Algonquin speedtraps enforcement opportunities increase on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Harnish Street near Chatham Street
High Hill Park #2 – Scanning westbound traffic from back in the northwest corner of the parking lot. The cop is very difficult to see on a moonless night. 42.16562N & 88.32018W (Observed 11/5/2004) Nighttime
The speed limit is 30 MPH on Harnish Dr.
State Route 31 near Cary Road
Cary Rd & Rte 31 – The cops like to park in the lot of the costume store, on the SE corner, to catch the northbound traffic climbing the hill. Cops are rarely observed in the daytime at this location. The 35 MPH speed limit on this road segment is ridiculous except for the presence of gravel trucks on weekdays which are attempting to turn near the top of the hill and therefore like to be in the left hand lane as they climb the hill.