Bolingbrook, Illinois Speed Traps

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Tailgaters Bar

Bolingbrook, IllinoisMar 24, 20100 Comments

Cops hang out there and look for people that are buzzed…then radio their buddies to pull you over and most likely give you a DUI

Briarcliff anywhere between Rt.53 and Pinecrest

Bolingbrook, IllinoisMar 12, 20100 Comments

It’s only 30 mph and police will sit, or drive along this stretch to pick up speeders. Also, two school zones, that drop to 20 mph when lights are flashing.

Bolingbrook Best Buy Corner Crossing near Boughton & Weber Crossing

Bolingbrook, IllinoisOct 02, 20071 Comments

4 way Camera trap they will send you a ticket in the mail with the video of your violation. Do not cross the Line on the street they will try and get you for anything.

Weber Road near Boughton Road

Bolingbrook, IllinoisSep 25, 20071 Comments

In four locations on every angle of the intersection, Photo Radar has obviously been set up to catch anyone who is speeding, anyone who makes a right turn on red (even though there are no signs that say turning right on red is an offense),and anyone who comes to a stop with any part of their vehicle beyond the white line.

The Photo Radar is activated if anyone passes over the white line during a red light. Allegedly if you want to turn right during a red light, you must come to a complete stop BEHIND the white line for a minimum of 60 seconds. Even creeping forward to see if it is clear enough to turn right will cause a ticket.

So the best bet is to wait for a completely clear green light to turn right and make sure you stop BEHIND the white line and NEVER creep forward, even when the cross-light is about to change.

Weber and Normantown Crossing near US Highway 55

Bolingbrook, IllinoisSep 02, 20070 Comments

Cop sits on corner by Gas City and sits on the median. There is a stoplight which might prevent you from getting a ticket but everytime lately i’ve been down there he is there!

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