Bolingbrook, Illinois Speed Traps

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Remington Road near State Route 53

Bolingbrook, IllinoisJun 01, 20070 Comments

Remington Rd. between Smidt Rd. and Rte. 53. Officer made it clear that he had to give the ticket, due to compaints.

Boughton Road near Naperville Road

Bolingbrook, IllinoisNov 10, 20050 Comments

They are there every day, and are on the trucks all of the time/

Former Two Rivers Sports Bar

Bolingbrook, IllinoisAug 24, 20031 Comments

I have seen as many as FOUR marked Bolingbrook Police cars sitting with radar pulled. Heading north on Weber/Naperville road makes them impossible to see until it’s too late. Also heading south on Weber/Naperville road, you cannot see them due to the large shrubs and plants that cover their position. The speed limit it 45 but as soon as you start going up the hill by the Hobby Lobby and Jewel, it drops to 35. I’ve seen a lot of people get nailed there so be careful.

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