Downers Grove, Illinois Speed Traps

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Hancock Ave, under 355

Downers Grove, IllinoisDec 04, 20100 Comments

The police officers will sit under the 355 bridge on Hancock Ave, watching you crest the large hill heading East. The speed limit is 25, and since you have a good sized down hill, a small up hill, and then a large downhill again it is impossible to maintain the speed limit without braking. I have seen officers there anytime before 1:00PM.

just past plainfield rd an lemont rd. north

Downers Grove, IllinoisAug 30, 20100 Comments

they sit right across from the storage facility at a work place, towards the end of the driveway with their lights off. it tachnically woodridge on that side, but they will still pull you over. as i have been twice right there heading north towards 75th street.

59th St and brookbank

Downers Grove, IllinoisMar 14, 20100 Comments

officer sits on Brookbank waiting for speedsters driving down 59th st


Downers Grove, IllinoisMar 11, 20100 Comments

Just south of Maple Ave on cumnor

Cumnor Road near 39th Street & Cumnor Street

Downers Grove, IllinoisApr 07, 20080 Comments

Unmarked Downers Grove squad likes to sit at the end of Cumnor just before the stop sign for 39th Street. They also sit on Tower Road (cross street just South of 39th) or along Cumnor just North of 39th. They are ALWAYS out there, usually in the mid to late afternoon on into evening rush hour. They are looking for speeders as well as "Hollywood stops" at the 39th & Cumnor stop sign.

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