Downers Grove, Illinois Speed Traps
Downers Drive near Interstate 88
This is the extended entrance to I-88 westbound accessed from Butterfield Road at Hooters and Buona Beef. Adjacent Hooters and taverns also result in some intoxiczated driving in this area. Police sit in an office parking lot and pick off speeders getting on I-88 westbound. I see 2-3 pulled over per night on this stretch of road, and many sobriety tests. Don’t drink and drive, and slow down on this short stretch of road. You will get pulled over and tested. Also watch the frontage road three-way stop, they will stop you for rolling that stop sign.
Highland Avenue near 31st Street
Cruiser sits in the closed park district entrance about 1/2 mile south of 31st Street clocking wiht radar. Most prevalent just after evening rush until about 10:00pm.
Lee Street near Elmore Avenue
A DG officer sits on Elmore Ave. or in a local resident’s driveway. Enforcement occurs primarily after complaints of speeding. It is infrequent, but heavy when in effect.
Interstate 88 near Interstate 355
Trooper sites on I-88 heading West bound away from Chicago. Right were I-355 connects as your on I-88 he sits there waiting, and if you look up on the overpass bridge, there is a camera picturing your car/plates…be careful. Also as soon as you merge onto I-355 south…theres another trooper on I-355 about 2 miles down the interstate…hopes this helps….Civic Ryder!
Interstate 88 near State Highway 355
they usually hide under the bridge of 355 going either direction on I-88, but they also sit in between the guardrail in the median and face either direction.