Lindenhurst, Illinois Speed Traps
Grass Lake Road near Deep Lake Road
The officers like to sit in the parking lot for the softball fields just West of Deep Lake road. Normally looking at the drivers heading East.
US Highway 45 near Independence Boulevard
For those heading south on US 45, beware! The officer usually sits off the highway, on Independence BLVD. They usually stand just outside of the car with the driver door open. Their radar will bust you before you even can see them. They Do Not keep the radar on constantly as I have observed with my radar detector. They will shoot your car’s speed the second they see you. Note that the speed limit drops right here to 40 MPH from 55 just Before you enter the Millburn historic district.
Sand Lake Road near B J Hooper School
The speed limit goes from 45 to 30 very quickly and the police hide at Hooper School (Sand Lake & Beck Roads)
Gelden Road near Porter Drive
I have seen the cops sit right at the entrerance of the new subdivion off of Gelden rd and the bottom of the hill. speed limit is 40 so watch ur speed going down the hill!
Beck Road near McDonald Woods
The speed limit is 20mph. The officer regularly sits in the parking area for the playground. You will come ofer the small hill and there he is…. just waiting for you!