Monee, Illinois Speed Traps

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Egyptian Trail near Rt #50 north to Monee Road

Monee, IllinoisJul 26, 20060 Comments

Police sit on Von St, or one of the new streets to the South of Von on the west side of Egyptian Trail. Speed Limit 25mph folks going North on Rt#50 use Egyption Trail as a short cut to Monee Road. Do not get out of your vehicle when stopped. Young agressive officers will be made extremely nervous.

State Highway U.S. Route 50 near Court Street

Monee, IllinoisJan 04, 20060 Comments

Governors Highway (RT 50) north and south bound lanes. They sit on the north side of the liquor store which is on the east side of the road, usually facing south. Speed limit is 35mph

crete monee Road near State Route 50

Monee, IllinoisMar 13, 20050 Comments

they have reduced the speed substantially going west from western ave to route 50, 55mph to 40mph and then to 30.
coming off rte 50 eastbound it is 30mph then to 40mph for about a mile out of town. They sit in the church parking lot or the St. James medical center. Saw one today on
kuersten rd. he followed me all the way into crete up to
the railroad about 5 miles out from his jurisdiction.

Egyptian Trail from Monee Manhattan Road southbound

Monee, IllinoisJul 15, 20020 Comments

Posted speed limit is 25 mph on Egyptian Trail from Monee-Manhattan Road southbound to Rt. 50. Police will sit with radar north of Monee-Manhattan Road in or near the used car lot. Speeed limits on other streets in the area (except residential side streets) are at least 35 mph. Monee Police officer are reviewed and pay raises given based on "productivity". These are not qoutas but come pretty close. Vehicles on Egyptian Trail are easy pickins for lazy police officers looking for "productivity".

north or southbound on egyptian trail

Monee, IllinoisDec 01, 20000 Comments

Traffic flows here safely at 35mph from connecting streets to a crawling 25mph police hide by car sales lot or drive street with radar on pull u turns and issue tickets here by the hundreds….

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