Mount Vernon, Illinois Speed Traps
Richview Road
The young officer certainly loves to stop people here. Even if you are going 2 miles over the speed limit.
S 34th St & Jamison Blvd
Approximate, actually follow S Watertower circle off of 42nd St east until it dead ends in the cul de sac at the end. At the end point a road has been cut through going east all the way to 34th street. Its still under construction and invariably open or closed. In any event, especially at night, Mt. vernon police park their cruiser just north of 34th on this new road with their lights out running radar to passersby on 34th. Watch out!
Richview Road near 27th Street
This is a nice two lane, straight, light residential road. Speed limit is only 40. Lightly traveled, but I know LOTS who have gotten tickets. No warnings! Not far from where speed goes to 55
Richview Road near 42nd Street
They like to hide in the parking lot for the Lutheran church at the intersection of 42nd and Richview. Also behind the Chesterfield Village sign on 42nd St
Broadway Street near 27th Street
All along Broadway, especially at Oakwood Cemetary. Don’t run more than 5mph over from the area where Broadway and Main Street split until 27th St. From there on out, you’re ok.
Also, 10th St/Salem Rd, 12th St, 27th St, and 42nd St. (all 30mph) are police favorites. Usually constant-on K-Band radar, but occasionaly moving Ka Instant-On (normally from behind) or Laser.