Naperville, Illinois Speed Traps

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west street

Naperville, IllinoisMay 05, 20130 Comments

the entire west street. 30 mph. always cops hiding on this street

Chicago Avenue near Charles Avenue

Naperville, IllinoisAug 02, 20120 Comments

35-40 mph speed limit on Chicago turns into a 25-30 speed limit once you go down a very steep hill.

West side of Washington between Ogden and 14th St.

Naperville, IllinoisJan 02, 20110 Comments

Cop in car with radar gun aimed mainly towards southbound traffic.

75th street between plainfield/naperville and book road

Naperville, IllinoisAug 21, 20100 Comments

Unmarked black (possibly ford crown victorias) will sit pushed about 10 feet back from the road. Speed limit is 50 but most people get stuck at the plainfield/naperville light and gun it to book. Have seen multiple people pulled over in the past week.

Royal St. George in Cress Creek

Naperville, IllinoisJun 11, 20100 Comments

This is a residential subdivision that is used as a cut through from North Mill street and Ogden heading west. Unmarked and motorcycle cops regularly sit near the golf course entrance and get speeders. Limit is 25. See people stopped every day.

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