Pekin, Illinois Speed Traps

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Broadway Rd between Parkway Dr and Veterans Dr,

Pekin, IllinoisMay 30, 20100 Comments

Part of this stretch of road is 45 mph but most of it is now 35 mph. Did construction to put in a turn lane and lowered the speed limit. Not often you can drive that stretch of road wtihout seeing a cop clocking or someone pulled over.

South 2nd Street

Pekin, IllinoisApr 26, 20100 Comments

The Pekin cops like to hide behind the yellow sportman store and run radar coming in to town from the Federal Prison

Parkway Dr between Court and Broadway

Pekin, IllinoisMar 20, 20101 Comments

The speed limit has been lowered to 30 MPH in the last year and has become a revenue boost for the city. The police like to sit in the golf course behind bushes in the warm months and sometimes stand behind them. Driving north, you are going downhill,making it hard to stay under the limit without the use of brakes.

S. 2ns Street near Broadway Rd intersection Street

Pekin, IllinoisAug 26, 20081 Comments

Police officer sets behind bushes and points Radar to the north on 2nd st.

Parkway Dr near State Highway Illinois Rt 98

Pekin, IllinoisAug 06, 20080 Comments

Parkway Dr,past LickCreek Golf Course.They hide between the "condos’" and park in the Church parking lot..sitting back out of sight.Speed limit was lowered to 35MPH

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