Peoria, Illinois Speed Traps

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US Highway 150 near North Mountello Drive

Peoria, IllinoisFeb 22, 20070 Comments

This area has No lighting, and cops will sit with all their lights turned off (hiding in plain sight) on the shoulder. By the time you see them, it is usually too late. Usually they are facing East bound, towards the Allen road intersection.

The speed limit on this section is not too restrictive, but it is so easy to go 10-15 over.

US Highway 24 near McClugage Bridge East Side

Peoria, IllinoisJan 22, 20071 Comments

I drive across the brige just about everyday and there is a cop maybe once a week or a little less that sits in the median on the east side of the bridge.

NorthMoore Road near Expo Gardens

Peoria, IllinoisMar 09, 20051 Comments

On NorthMoore road, in between University and Allen Rd, City police often use this 1/2 mile road to do radar. More importantly , there is a grade school and a high school. Always an easy and very often used for speed traps!

Interstate 74 near Carlock Exit

Peoria, IllinoisJun 11, 20041 Comments

When you are going up the hill on 74 west there is a trap in the trees at one of the No U-Turn parts of the highway. I am not sure where it is but it is between Peoria and Bloomington, near the Carlock exit. A cop sits there all the time and he is totally hidden, epsecially in the summer when there are leaves on the trees.

Knoxville Street near Near Nebraska ave on University, Pio Pkway on Knoxville

Peoria, IllinoisFeb 23, 20040 Comments

I realize this isn’t a traditional speed trap but it was worth mentioning. I drive a "sporty" car but not anything big. More than once I’ve had a dark blue Mustang GT with tinted windows and standard random tags drive along side me, stroking the engine as if to say "I’m tougher than you, let’s race." I’m not into that scene, I gave the guy a look and kept driving. I noticed at the red light when I stopped next to him that it was a uniformed cop talking into his shoulder-mike — my guess is that he was trying to egg me (and others) into racing then radioing ahead to a marked roller to pull me over for racing (and the other guy would of course "get away" so as not to blow his cover.)

Seemed to me like entrapment, but just try to prove it I guess.

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