River Grove, Illinois Speed Traps
1st Avenue near Fullerton Road
headed north on 1st ave…once you pass north ave you will head thru the forest. there is limited places available for a cop to hide and time. be wary as you near fullerton there is a shoulder there where they have been known to time, but there are in full view. the real danger is when you exit the woods north of fullerton and the speed limit goes from 40 to 30. watch our as you approach the clark station on your right, and worse yet the RG police station just north of there. Slow Down Before Fullerton, 35 mph at most.
DesPlaines River Road near Grand Avenue
There is a cop always hiding on DesPlaines River Road just south of Grand. He’s poaching drivers going both ways…sometimes can be caught hiding along one of the side streets.
Grand Avenue near Thatcher/1st Avenue
Either a unmarked or marked River Grove Police car will be sitting in an auto mechanics parking lot on the south side of the street, the car will be hiding on the east side of the buliding along the garage doors to the bulding, if you are going eastbound on grand you won’t see him untill he’s got his lights on and pulling you over, and if you are going westbound at night, unless you have great eyesight you wont see him either, he sits far enough back that the streetlights wont show him. I have gotten pulled over, and both my parents have also been pulled over there, the speed limit is 30mph but they will get you on one or two over.
Belmont Road
Going East Bound on Belmont from River Rd towards Cumberland/1st Ave, on the right side (by the cemetery entrance) there is usually a cop hiding in the cemetery entrance gate
Cumberland Avenue near Belmont Avenue
This intercection is the border of River Grove and Chicago. River Grove police like to hid behind the Dapper’s resturant next to the Belmont Avenue bus terminal. They like to pinch people on either Belmont or Cumberland as people pass between jurisdictions where the speedlimits change.