Rock Island, Illinois Speed Traps

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Southbound off the Centennial Bridge into Rock Island.

Rock Island, IllinoisFeb 28, 20100 Comments

When travelling from Davenport Iowa to Rock Island Illinois, the State Police (although they’ve put this one away for years after the death of a trooper during a “safety check”) they’re at it again. If you are coming south across the Mississsippi River into Illinois, and into Rock Island specifically from Davenport Iowa (to the north), watch your speed as you crest the summit of the bridge. The speed limit is 30, but our law office has seen clients charged with up to Over double that speed limit. Due to the long span of the bridge and reasonable width of the lanes, people tend to accelerate beyond the speed limit without even noticing. Especially on early Saturday and Sunday mornings, or so the tickets issued would indicate. The obvious goal is DUI intervention, and the state of Illinois is well aware that after such an arrest, the jail is literally a 45 second Walk from point of arrest, so they are saving fuel cost by making DUI arrests at this spot, which is conveniently located right by the jail. Don’t be a victim. Don’t be stupid. and if you’ve been drinking, don’t drive. If you simply help yourself, get a ride home, take a cab, and pop in your favorite video game. Check your driving skills then. And you’ll realize you’ve made the right decision. We run a law firm. We make money off of people who are not aware of this speedtrap. But more importantly is the safety of the individuals who make up the community that is the Quad Cities. Be safe: Your money is as green as anyone elses. Speeding and DUI are equal opportunity charges in this state.

Rock Rive Crossing

Rock Island, IllinoisApr 27, 20090 Comments

Rock Island County Sheriffs Department sets up radar on both the North and South bound four lane roadway on the Veterans Memorial Bridge at Carr Crossing between Moline and Milan. This is new bridge that spans the Rock River.

7th Avenue near 43rd Street

Rock Island, IllinoisMay 01, 20080 Comments

Radar set up on South side of 7th Avenue on 43rd Street. Can’t see police vehicle until too late. Trapping vehicles traveling East on one way 7th Avenue.

4th Avenue near Souyh of old Farmall building

Rock Island, IllinoisFeb 18, 20080 Comments

I still am not sure where the officer is sitting when the traffic merges from the one ways in Moline to 4th AVE Rock Island but cars are pulled over within several blocks of this area (Across from Augustana football field.) The vehicles that are stopped are always west bound. That makes me think that the officer may be hiding on the access road that runs in front of the old Farmall and in front of the railroad tracks before merging onto 4th Ave. I drive by this area several times a day and see traffic pulled over 90% of the time.

38th Street near 24th Avenue

Rock Island, IllinoisOct 02, 20070 Comments

patrol car sits on 24th ave traping south and north bound traffic on 38th street

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