Rolling Meadows, Illinois Speed Traps

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Route 62 Algonquin Road

Rolling Meadows, IllinoisDec 19, 20020 Comments

Algonquin Road is a four lane, divided state thoroughfare with a speed limit set artificially low at 40, all the way west until you hit Quentin Road. The Rolling Meadows portion is accompanied by a large row of apartments, plus numerous businesses with entry/exit driveways. Cops patrol here regularly, as this area is notorious for DUI pullovers during the wee hours. West of Route 53, the road is under the jurisdiction of Schaumburg. The traffic flow here increases to about 50, but cops also stake this area out as well, with plenty of driveways and apartment complex entry-ways to sit in. This portion is also the site of various roadblocks that may occur near the holiday season.

Rohlwing Road

Rolling Meadows, IllinoisDec 19, 20020 Comments

Cops sometimes sit in the parking lot of the office buildings on the west side of the road and north of Euclid Avenue. The limit is 40 here. South of Euclid, the limit goes down to 30. This is almost justifiable due to the curve at Campbell Street, but the rest of the road is straight and is tempting bait for someone who might want to speed up to make the traffic light. Also beware cops who may be placed off the road at the side of the Euclid-Rohlwing traffic light.

Euclid Ave by Arlington Park racetrack

Rolling Meadows, IllinoisDec 19, 20020 Comments

This is a straight stretch of road where the traffic flow often tends to push 55. The limit is 40, which is ludicrously low, since I remember when it was 45 a decade ago. The cops most often appear to be clocking people from the Wilke Road courthouse across from the track, often obscured by or parked within an enclosed parking structure. Another spot for them is to be parked in the track entrance while the gates are closed. Also, I have seen them sitting obscured by foliage off to the side of the intersection at Rohlwing Road; this is probably meant to get people who are coming off of the Route 53 expressway (also a handy point for them because this is where the limit goes down from 45 to 40). Enforcement west of Wilke Road is by the Rolling Meadows PD.

Central from Weber to Jay Ln

Rolling Meadows, IllinoisSep 02, 20020 Comments

With Central going from 40 mph down to 25, and 3 schools just west of this area, cops are always there.

Campbell Street between Wilke and Meadow Drive

Rolling Meadows, IllinoisJul 18, 20020 Comments

Bicycle police with hand radar will lay their bike down in the parkway, sit on the curb behind parked trucks and time traffic.

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