Westmont, Illinois Speed Traps

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Cass Avenue

Westmont, IllinoisMar 24, 20070 Comments

Cass Avenue from Westmont through Darien Illinois is a speed trap.

63rd Street near Cass Avenue

Westmont, IllinoisApr 13, 20060 Comments

I have seen the Westmont Police department sit in the grass next to the strip mall. (North side of 63rd. Between Williams St and Cass ave.) You can’t see them until your in front of them. Trees block the view of them.

Ogden Avenue near State Route 83

Westmont, IllinoisApr 13, 20060 Comments

On Ogden Avenue, just west of Route 83, cops sit in the parking lot of the office building next to the Mobile station. The speed limit is 35, but vehicles often drive 40-45, since the street is four lanes and downhill. The cops aren’t overly strict in enforcement, but they are there at least once per day.

Cass Avenue near Downtown Westmont

Westmont, IllinoisMar 27, 20060 Comments

Driving through Downtown Westmont at night, especially on the weekend, is always very dangerous. The cops are notorious for pulling people over for 1 or 2 miles over. They like to hide on the dark side streets that line downtown. This area gets quite busy during the PM Rush so there arent very many cops then, but once it gets around 9 or 10 pm this is a danger zone! The cops don’t pull people over for just speeding either. I’ve been pulled over for having headlights that were ‘too bright and misaligned,’ a ‘dim tail light,’ and the light by my licence plate being out all on seperate occasions.

Ogden Avenue

Westmont, IllinoisAug 17, 20020 Comments

Often officers will stop vehicles claiming that drivers did not use turn signals. Both local police and county sheriffs patrol Ogden or wait at the openings of the many parking lots.

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