Wheeling, Illinois Speed Traps
Elmhurst Road near Rand and Dundee Streets
The wheeling police department has a white van sitting in the middle of elmhurst road with an office in the back with a laser. the second officer sit in the neighbor hood roads (depends were the van may be) and will pull out after you have been clocked by laser. I was clocked coming back to school from lunch and the officer saw my radar and told me that the laser was a VG-2 laser when I asked him what I was clocked on.
State Route 83/McHenry Road near Lexington Drive
Police sit in the parking lot of the park on the south side of the street about one eigth mile from the Lexington intersection. They can see traffic in both directions from there and stop cars moving in either direction. The speed limit drops from 45 MPH to 35 about a quarter mile to the north. This is usually what they are looking to catch.
Hintz Road near Milwaukee Road
The cops sits facing west in the Methodist church parking lot behind the bushes. It is 35mph and they will get you for anything over 40.
McHenry Road near Dundee Road
Police car sits in parking lot somewhat hidden by apt building on the north. The park is Childerley Park at 506 McHenry Road
Dundee Road near Milwaukee Avenue
Wheeling cruiser sits in forest preserve drive just east of Milwaukee on south side of Dundee Road. Probably monitoring each direction, but sits right where EB speed limit goes up to 50 and WB limit drops to 40. Could hit offenders either way.