Carmel, Indiana Speed Traps
City Center Road, between Pennsylvania and Carmel Drive
This beautiful 4-lane stretch is marked for only 30 MPH. There are only a couple drives off of this road into business parking lots. Pennsylvania, which is similarly constructed and has many more potential turns is 40mph. Motorcycle cops will hide a little ways back from the road, in one of those parking lots, then pull you over into the last corporate lot before the bank building. it is ridiculous–Don’t use that road unless you have to, and definitely drive the speed limit.
Gray Road 106-116th St.
Cops sit back in the entrances to neighborhoods on the east side of Gray Road so you can’t see them. Usually in the Knight’s Woods entrances, particularly the one just at the top of the hill.
On Keystone Ave & 131-126th
Police sit in the middle of Keystone and ticket speeders.
106th Street near Rangeline Road
Hamilton County Sheriff deputy occasionally sits in church parking lot, southwest of intersection, radaring east – west traffic.
96th Street near Keystone Avenue
Late night to early morning, especially on weekends, along 96th Street between Keystone Avenue and Gray Road: Two or more Carmel Police cruisers hide in the many dark parking / car sales lots radaring passing motorists.