Dayton, Indiana Speed Traps

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County Rd. 200E/Hagerty Lane Road near Interstate I65

Dayton, IndianaJun 05, 20080 Comments

when crossing overpass county police often sit below line of site this is a downhill grade eastbound see cars stopped on a daily basis. speed limit is 45 goes up to 50 then back down to 45 in the span of a few hundred yards

State Highway 38 near Interstate 65

Dayton, IndianaMay 19, 20080 Comments

Dayton cop hides in private driveway on West end of town, or the church parking lot in the middle of town, or in parking lot of lodge on East Side of town. He doesn’t have much else to do but snag speeders! he will get you if you go over the 30MPH limit

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