Huntingburg, Indiana Speed Traps
State Road 64 between Huntingburg and Arthur
Roughly a 16 mile stretch of 2 lane highway , ISP likes to patrol in marked and unmarked cars.
Usually a “ROOKIE” training area where the Real officer will set in the cruiser and call the shot’s while the “ROOKIE” does all the work and catches the flack.
Lot of hills and valley’s and several good “hide-out’s” .
Cherry Street heading North toward First Street
Coming down the steep hill before the park, the Speed Limit is posted 25, but if you even COAST down the hill you are doing 40-45 before you know it.
The city police are parked in the basketball or tennis court pearking lot or off to the left on First Avenue.
When the officer asked me why I was speeding I really wanted to answer "Gravity?"
North Van Buren Street near East 22nd Street
Down hill to the south, so coastig speed can reach 40 MPH in posted 25 MPH. Light residential area, 5 homes in 5 city blocks.
State Highway US 231
Huntingburg Indiana a town of 4000-5000 people averages between 120 to 150 speeding tickets alone a month. Along US231 and State road 64 inside city limits.Most issued after dark.