Indianapolis, Indiana Speed Traps
West Vermont between Gasoline Alley and Lynhurst
Speed limit is 30mph. When going east from Lynhurst there is a hill. Better be doing 30mph when you get to top of hill. Sherriff sits on Cole Street or in Thatcher Community Center parking lot. Get you every time.
1400 N. College Ave.
There is usually a IPD cop sitting on 14th St on the east side of College radaring people as they come northbound on College Ave. Very had to see him until you are up on him. By then it’s too late for you.
West 30th Street between Kessler Blvd & Tibbs Ave. St.
Officers with radar gun operate from motorcycles checking speed of both east and westbound traffic. During day speed is 25 mph, St. Michael’s School area.
Shortridge Road between US 40,
4 Lane North South Street posted at 30 mph. Radar both directions.
Rockville Road between Gasoline ally and Lynhurst
School Zone 25 MPH they hide beside an old farm house in front of the school!!!