Indianapolis, Indiana Speed Traps
I-70E just past I-465
Speed limit drops from 65 mph to 55 mph going past I-465; there is a left curve just beyond this; Indianapolis motorcycle police park their bikes very close to median wall such that they are well-hidden by numerous construction barrels as you come around the curve.
Emerson Bridge:South of Raymond and North of Beech Grove
Officers sit on either end of the base of the Bridge on Emerson south of Raymond and North of Beech Grove Main St and clock drivers as they are coming down the hill. I have been cited there 3 times in the last 2 years. Watch out!! They don’t care if you were braking as you were coming down the hill to stop your momentum. They give you the citation anyways.
38th & Georgetown Rd.
behind the new Walgreens or at the BP gas station.
I-465 – I-65
While going towards the entrance to I-65, from I-465, passing Traders Point (86th street, 71st street) usually during the mornings of work days (7-10 am), I’ve noticed a pair of “two motorcycle cops” who’ve set up a brilliant speed trap. One of them is always using his radar gun to find speeders literally hundreds of feet away, and than once they get close, the OTHER motorcyclist will go and make the person pull over.
46st and Shadeland
cops sit on east side of Shadeland north of 46th st. If your going north or south. Church is a school inside posted school zone. Coming off interstate you must brake fast or you will be caught. Also policewoman (name & badge number omitted) will tell you she is giving you a warning ticket but turns it in as a ticket. Be ware!