Kouts, Indiana Speed Traps

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State Highway 8 near baums bridge Road

Kouts, IndianaMay 12, 20080 Comments

speed limit drops from 55mph to 45mph heading east into town of kouts. Baums Bridge Road is a speed trap also. Patrolled regularly, a money maker for the town but outside city limits. Barney fife drives a white blazer.

49 Bypass near State Route 8

Kouts, IndianaAug 29, 20070 Comments

On 49, heading north towards The Dunes, the speed limit goes from 25 to 35 to 45 within a mile. The cops sit in driveways or the church parking lot. Although polite and courteous, they never give just a warning, always the ticket.

State Highway Route 8

Kouts, IndianaMar 07, 20060 Comments

On route 8, just west of Kouts, there is steady monitoring of vehicles speeding up before reaching and coming out of the 55MPH zone. Even ten over in the 35MPH and/or 45MPH zones is unacceptable. The officer is respectful, but will usually say that he is cutting you a break and gives you "only" a city ordinance violation fine and that no points will go on your license. A little obastacle to be avoided if you’re trying to shortcut down to or from I-65.

State Route 49 near Within the first 15 houses North of the 4-way stop near the Kouts Koffee Kup

Kouts, IndianaMay 16, 20050 Comments

A well-marked police car is often parked in a driveway on the east side of SR49 north of the Kouts 4-way stop. It is a grey house, within the first 15 houses after the stop sign. It is a 45 mph area, changing to 55mph.

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