Lake Station, Indiana Speed Traps

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The East & West toll booth gates

Lake Station, IndianaOct 02, 20101 Comments

The speed limit goes from 70mph to 55mph, 45mph. There is almost a 0 tolerance in these zones.

route 51 / near Riverside Park

Lake Station, IndianaMay 21, 20100 Comments

going South, speed posted at 35 mph then increases to 45 mph. officer sits in driveway of riverside park about 200 yds before 45 mph speed sign. He stopped me at 2:30 am.

Fairview St.

Lake Station, IndianaApr 29, 20100 Comments

This road used to be posted 30mph but the city dropped it to 25mph and reposted. They are enforcing it heavily. This road runs parallel to Central Ave. which had it’s limit increased to 35mph. Their intention is to get more traffic on to Central Ave., which is good, but just be aware that while I don’t consider this a true trap the city is certainly taking advantage of the revenue generated from tickets on this road.

Interstate 80/94 near Cline Avenue

Lake Station, IndianaMay 28, 20063 Comments

City of Lake Station. Drop in speed limit from 70 to 55. Trap located just inside 55 limit sign.

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