Mooresville, Indiana Speed Traps
IN39 at I-70
The speed limit drops to 45mph about 3/4 miles north of I-70, because of new business in the area – yet there is no reason to have this lowering of the speed limit. And about 80% of the time I drive this road, I see cops sitting there, doing nothing for public safety, yet adding revenue to the municipal coffers. They won’t add the light that is sorely needed for trucks coming out of the Love’s truck stop, but they WILL stop drivers who are going 40mph and preventing those same trucks from exiting the truck stop – creating backups, traffic jams, and safety hazards. Once again, a number on a sign makes everyone less safe.
Green Castle Road
Due to construction on SR 42 all traffic from the west must enter Mooresville via Greencastle Road. Police sit facing west on the eat side of the bridge and trap you entering town. Greencastle Road is posted 35 in that area, however being newly widened and in the country most people exceed limit and get caught cresting bridge.
State Highway 42
Police cars sit along the westbound lane of 42 at the base of a small hill facing east to catch cars headed west on 42. They are completely hidden from sight until you come over the hill