New Castle, Indiana Speed Traps

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New York Avenue near State Route St. rd. 3

New Castle, IndianaApr 14, 20080 Comments

Police car sets accross from Smileys Body Sop in Church parking lot. Maily getting west bound traffic on this street.

Broad Street near Speedway

New Castle, IndianaApr 02, 20080 Comments

they sit at speedway parked as if they are getting something in side and wait for speeders.

State Highway Road 3/Memorial Drive near WalMart

New Castle, IndianaApr 02, 20080 Comments

they sit on 300 across from Wal Mart usually in the Raintree Inn parking lot around the time of 8pm and 3am..

St. Rd. 3 North & South From 300 South to I-70 on/exit ramps

New Castle, IndianaAug 30, 20020 Comments

Black Chevy Camero(red in 2001) very sneeky!! sits in the middle of median most of time. County Sheriff cars sometimes,as well. Black car ocassionally runs that I-70 stretch East and West of St. Rd. 3

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