Noblesville, Indiana Speed Traps
Herriman Blvd
The speed limit goes from 40 mph in the industrial area of this road down to 25 mph in the neighborhood…I have been pulled over several times (like 4) in this area…I received a ticket one time that was around $300…steep fines!!
Where St. Road 37 and Allisonville Road merge north of town
They sit on Allisonville road and run radar on 37 northbound and southbound.
Greenfield Ave. (St. Rd 238)
As you are driving west of Greenfield Ave.(Old State Road 238) the speed limit used to be 55 before the addition of all of the sub-divisions. Last year the speed limit dropped from 45 to 40 from Union Chapel Rd. to Hwy. 37. There is a sign that says “speed reducing ahead” @ Union Chapel Rd, and the police, normally the black and white City Police, will sit in the entrance of the sub-divisions and clock people going west. They will also radar cars up and down Greenfield Ave., as stated the speed limit use to be 55 mph. So drive the posted limit. Writing tickets several times a week.
Herriman Blvd.
Herriman Blvd between Greenfield Ave. (238) and Herriman Court. Speed is set at 25mph even though the houses are all off the street. They will hide on the little side streets behind trees and blending with other cars. They use cameros and unmarked chargers. 30mph will get you a ticket!! Just south of this is an industrial area so they pick off people running a little late for work!!
Pleasant St – Just past the post office
In the parking lot at the end of Bounce Planet – Just as you are coming up on 16th St. They sit in the parking lot and monitor drivers.