Porter, Indiana Speed Traps
I-94 Westbound Expressway near State Highway 49
State Trooper sits approximately one mile west of State Route 49 on westbound inside shoulder. Trooper is hidden by high median wall and you cannot see him until you are only 150′ behind him.
Interstate 80 near Mile Marker 26 – 30
Indiana State Police clocked me at 88 on a 55 mile zone at 4:30 AM on the 26 MM on I-80 W. I had contested the case in court and found atleast 4 – 5 speeding cases when the troopers were hiding at the 26 MM or the 30 MM on I-80 heading West towards Illinois. I dont think they are very strict, but dont overspeed. (20 miles over limit and so on :))
I-94 Eastbound
Indiana police now using unmarked, sports cars (mostly Dodge) in white, blue and black color.