Spencer, Indiana Speed Traps
HW 231/67 North at Garden St.
State Troopers hide behind bushes/fence at bend in HW 231 @ Garden street. Shoots handheld laser for NB traffic, with PD car parked in large no-parking zone on East side of 231. Afternoon and evening stops are typical.
On Hyw. 231between Carp and Junction of Hwy 231 and 67
State police patrol this area posted as 55MPH. They set next to the grain bins or on the intersecting side roads.
Northbound on Highways 231/76 south of town
Speed limit dropps from 55 to 40 in an area that still looks country. As you come around a curve to the left, still at least half mile from town, there is a small area on the West side of the road where the "town Marshall" will sit in the dark, clocking Northbound traffic. When he is here, he can easily write 15 tickets per hour. All local people know of this trap, and avoid speeding through there at all costs. The cars used by Spencer P.D. are Black with the white doors, and are very hard to see. Also use one totally black unmarked Dodge. No "instant on" raday here, so a dector will help some, but you come up over a hill right before you get to his hiding spot, so sometimes it is too late to slow down.
Spencer Indiana
Indiana 67/US 231 (aka : Fletcher Av.). North side of Spencer (specifically at James St.). State trooper usually sits on west side of road facing north, usually with a radar unit. South bound drivers have no chance here as one can’t see the officer till one starts down the hill after rounding the curve. The speed limit is 30 at the base of this VERY steep hill. Don’t know what the speed limit is going up hill (southbound) into Spencer from the north but by the top and as you round the curve be preparred to be at 30 MPH or less going down speciffically by the time you reach the bottom. Just be very watchful here( at James St.) as it wasn’t listed before now.
U.S. Hwy. 231 South
The road splits out to 3 lane with a truck passing lane opening just south of the city. The two lanes going south make you think that the speed should be 55 and the speed limit signs are installed in such a way the officer setting at the top of the hill nails you for going 55 in a 45.