Valparaiso, Indiana Speed Traps

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Thornapple Way in Heritage Valley

Valparaiso, IndianaApr 18, 20220 Comments

Thanks to State Road 2 being closed yet again (3rd summer in a row), traffic needs to go through Heritage Valley subdivision along Thornapple Way. This road is limited to 30 mph and has two stop signs. The police will hide by the softball field and watch for stop sign violators. This morning had four police in different spots along this stretch of road.

Hayes-Leonard Rd. north of Rt. 30

Valparaiso, IndianaJul 15, 20190 Comments

Hayes-Leonard School has closed for good, but the 25 mph speed limit is still enforced. Valparaiso City cops ( it’s a county road ) park at north end near Joliet Rd.

Roosevelt Road TJ Middle School

Valparaiso, IndianaApr 19, 20180 Comments

Cops are frequent sitters in the TJ middle school lot, they are speed trapping from the parking lot not the car out front. Sit there beside field house in the evenings.

Hayes Leonard Rd & US-30

Valparaiso, IndianaApr 16, 20130 Comments

Police sit on the hill just east of the dance studio and catch speeders coming into town from the west where the speed limit drops from 55 to 45

Coolwood Ave and US-30

Valparaiso, IndianaApr 16, 20130 Comments

The light at this intersection has sensors set up to trip the light when a car approaches and it timed so when you do the speed limit, the light turns red right when you hit the light. Police sit across the street in the parking lot of the store and catch people running light.

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