West Lafayette, Indiana Speed Traps
US Highway 231 S.
U.S. Highway 231 S. going northbound into the City of West Lafayette. After passing a bridge where speed limit drops from 45 mph to 30 mph, a West Lafayette Police car parks on the right hand shoulder shooting radar at oncoming traffic. They usually run the trap when it starts to get dark after 5pm with their headlights off.
Cop car ocassionally hide on some elevated residential parking lot on the left hand side.
Speed limit should be at least 40mph for this 4 lane highway with a center turning lane. Freeflow traffic is usually 45+ mph.
Lindberg Road near By the Trail
Lingberg road between Northwestern Ave. and McCormick Road, usually by the intersection of the biking/running trail. The limit is posted at 30 mph on a road wide enough for 2 lanes both ways with very few possible turns. The limit should be 40 mph at least. The road is hilly so cops like to sit at the bottom of it and clock people as they go over the top of the hill so they have no chance to see the cop and slow down.
Harrison Street
A Purdue Police Car is sometimes parked right outside of the Lynn Building (Vet Sciences) on the street. From a distance, it just appears to a normal car, and if you are going towards Chauncey, you will not be able to see him. Be advised, speed limit is 20 in this area.
Northwestern Avenue
The Purdue Police Jeep parks on the sidewalk between the EE and MSEE buldings late at night, and cannot be seen from Northwestern. The limit here is only 25.
US 231 just south Purdue Univ.
Immediately north of the Railroad bridge, officers sit on either side of the road. Speed limit is 25 (this is a 4-lane highway with a center turn lane – there is absolutely no reason for this limit to exist). For traffic heading northbound, the speed drops from 45 to 25 immediately before the speed trap – however the officer is plainly visible on the far side of the railroad bridge. For southbound traffic, the officer hides behind a retaining wall and a stand of trees. Enforcement is extremely heavy, especially 6-9am and 4-6pm.