Cedar Rapids, Iowa Speed Traps
1st Ave North and South
A police officer generally is on 1st Ave EVERY NIGHT doing radar, but lately, one sits at the Warehouse shoes parking lot facing South towards downtown catching you coming from downtown after work.
I-380 North
The area most watched is from the "Blairs Ferry Rd NE" exit to the "7th Street East" exit. CRPD and HPD likes to sit on the shoulder of the enterance ramp at Blairs Ferry Rd facing north. They also like to sit under the overpasses and in the center midums during "medium heavy" traffic times and at night. They also work with helicopter support during traffic stings. It is not uncommon to see 3-6 cars working this area at times. (During sporting and music events).
Edgewood Rd NW at Ellis Blvd NW
Police sit in the little area off Ellis BLVD next to the payphone just west of Edgewood Rd.
I-380 in vicinity of 1900 block-Wilson AV overpass.
This location is ideal for a laser trap. Speed limit is 60 while many are continuing at 70 or better from coming up the rural portion of I-380. Heading north, there is a very short sight distance from vehicles popping up over the hill and the laser unit located somewhere close to the Wilson AV overpass. Once you see the police vehicle parked alongside the roadway, your goose is cooked. Plus 5 seems to be tolerated.
16th Ave from 12th St to 6th St SW
The officers like to sit either in the Pest Control lot on the right hand side of the street or they like to sit right across the street next to a vacant building on 16th Ave/12th St. Be careful when coming down the hill from the viaduct, it is so easy to gain speed. The speed limit is 35mph. Sometimes instead of sitting there, they like to sit anywhere they can in the area of 16th Ave/12th St to 16th Ave/6th St. DRIVE CAREFULLY – THEY DONT GIVE YOU ANY BREAKS IF YOU GET STOPPED THERE!!!