Cedar Rapids, Iowa Speed Traps
I380 & J Ave
On Oct. 6th I too got a 68 mph in the 55 mph zone at I380 & J Ave. at 1:24 PM. I don’t remember the exact speed I was traveling but my wife was with me and I tend to keep within the speed limit with her in the car. I doubt I was going 68 mph. Regardless, I’ll make sure any future travels bypass Cedar Rapids, other towns can have my vacation and business dollars. Short term Cedar Rapids may make money but long term they will find too many travelers will bypass their city and spend their money elsewhere. This is definitely a speed trap.
I380 Through Cedar Rapids
There are two sign mounted speed cameras and one portable camera in use. The portable is in a red Jeep. Locals get caught by them too, if not careful. Posted limit is 55. It appears the cameras don’t ‘fire’ until around 62 or 63. I set my cruse at 56-57 and rarely have anyone pass me. The cameras have nailed State VIP’s. There’s no exception, everyone gets treated the same. Local PD have been ticketed in their patrol cars. The city had to set up a special court system just to handle the large number of people contesting their tickets. Wait time is still several months. If you drove much past 60mph, it got you.
I380 at Ave J, North and Southbound
I was warned by a local business that out-of-towners were being caught in speed traps in this area. I paid special attention. I saw the camera-in-use sign. I watched for all speed limit signs. I made sure I did not drive above the going speed of the traffic. I was ticketed going both directions. The tickets stated that I was going 68 and 69 mph in a 55 zone. I had slowed to 55 whenever I saw a sign for it. I am a safe driver and have only had one speeding ticket in my life, 20 years ago, for going 34 in a 25 zone, when I had missed the sign.
I 380 Southbound & J Avenue
Robocop camera @ Interstate 380, South bound by J Avenue in Cedar Rapids, IA
I380 at J Ave
I got a notice yesterday in the mail. 67mph at 55mph.. 2 photo captures of my camera. 12 mph above speed limit is bit weird as I dont speed. 12 mph definitely not now.. looks like this is a trap only for out of state cars..
But I can see why the city is in a desperate need of money 🙂