University Heights, Iowa Speed Traps

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Melrose Avenue near Melrose Avenue

University Heights, IowaNov 07, 20070 Comments

University Heights is a suburb completely surrounded by Iowa City and has acquired quite a reputation among local motorists. Melrose Avenue is the main thoroughfare and slopes, allowing motorists to easily pick up a good amount of speed and pass over the 25 mph limit. The town seems to get a lot of income through its disproportionately-large police force.

Melrose Avenue near bridge

University Heights, IowaOct 30, 20050 Comments

University Heights begins at the bridge by the stadium on the east and continues until Melrose widens to 4 lanes on the west. The town has fewer than 1000 residents and writes about 1600 tickets per year.

Melrose Avenue

University Heights, IowaJan 30, 20031 Comments

University Heights is a town that is bound on all sides by Iowa City. A main artery feeding the University Hospitals from the interstate, Melrose Avenue, drops it’s speed limit from 35 to 25 while travelling through this "town". A long, sloping hill entraps unknowing vehicles on this road. Tickets are issued at 1 mph over the limit. A very large officer sits in his car all day issuing tickets. A true speed trap in all senses of the phrase!

Anywhere along Melrose Ave. or any other main road in this little subdivision

University Heights, IowaNov 01, 20010 Comments

Hides in driveways and parking lots with blind spots such as bushes, trees, amongst other cars, ect.

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