Emporia, Kansas Speed Traps

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I-35 through all of Kansas, but especially around Emporia

Emporia, KansasDec 19, 20020 Comments

Essentially anyone with out-of-state tags in Kansas is fair game for being pulled over, regardless of whether or not you’re speeding. I was pulled over twice on a recent roundtrip between KC and Wichita – once in each direction. Southbound I was pulled over near Emporia and given a ticket for 15 over (I was really closer to 3-4 over), but fortunately the officer had a change of heart and gave me a warning instead. Northbound, between Emporia and KC I had a patrolman pull out of the median behind me, pull into my blind spot and follow me for 5 miles, before pulling me over to tell me I had a screw loose on my license plate! Friends who live in Kansas tell me that it’s a major throughpoint for drug-runners – with its central location and major crosscountry interstates (I-70, I-35) I can believe it. The result is that the Kansas state troopers are aggressively pulling over motorists with out-of-state tags in search of those with cocaine in the glove box. They nail plenty of them, but they also nail plenty of hapless travellers too.

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