Prairie Village, Kansas Speed Traps

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Northbound Lamar at W 79th Street

Prairie Village, KansasFeb 25, 20200 Comments

Lamar is down slope here with posted 25 mph. Lamar St. is the border of Overland Park and Prairie Village in this segment. The PV police sit at the bottom of hill on 79th street waiting for you.

75th Street and State Line

Prairie Village, KansasAug 25, 20140 Comments

The cop sits at the corner of Eaton, which is 300 feet from State Line (and consequently the MO/KS border) and is targeting westbound traffic arriving from Missouri side. Posted speed is 35 MPH. Clear speed trap in the fact that the city is enforcing a limit that is well below the 85th percentile of 41.6 MPH…on a survey that was not performed by an engineer, was within 1/5 of a mile of two traffic signals (one on each side), and was also performed on a day in which it was raining.

104th and state line

Prairie Village, KansasSep 11, 20131 Comments

1 to 3 bike cops sit at bottom of hill traveling south they have hump In bank parking lot they sit behind and catch people usually around 7 to 9am and 4-6pm.

Cherokee lane between Mission and 75th St.

Prairie Village, KansasMay 25, 20100 Comments

Curvy lane with lots of intersecting east west streets where the police set up radar traps. New speed humps remind you to slow down but it’s a thoroughfare and the speed limits only 25. Speed trap

Mission to Nall residential corridor

Prairie Village, KansasMay 19, 20100 Comments

Any through-street between Mission Rd. and Nall Ave., esp. the 25mph streets, may have a speedtrap present. Be alert on 63rd St., 69th St. and 71st St., 75th St. and 83rd St.

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