Wichita, Kansas Speed Traps

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I-35 North, Entrance at #45

Wichita, KansasMar 10, 20100 Comments

North Bound I-35! As you cross the river bridge approaching exit #45 Slow Down! You will pass under a railroad overpass and immediately approach a local street overpass. You are in a left hand slow turn! Both Local, County, and State set up a radar trap just past the local overpass on the entrance of #45! You will not see it until it is too late. As you cross the Arkansas river bridge slow down to the speed limit! This trap is set up to gather in drivers other than local!

N Keith St & W 29th St N

Wichita, KansasNov 06, 20090 Comments

WPD are typically laser radaring mid-afternoon weekdays. They are parked (hidden out of view) and the officer stands by the road and shoots both directions of traffic.

W 21st St N & W Reflection Rd

Wichita, KansasNov 06, 20091 Comments

This is a BIG money maker for Wichita! They are radaring on weekdays and saturday mornings. Multiple patrol vehicles hide in the church parking lot on the north side of the street and laser vehicles heading West.

Oliver Street near Pawnee Avenue

Wichita, KansasApr 30, 20081 Comments

Well didn’t see it comming…more than 5 marked vehicles parked on west side of road on a path behind a burm. Many many vehicles were pulled over.


Woodlawn Boulevard near Rock Road

Wichita, KansasApr 30, 20081 Comments

The perpetrating vehicles are hidden to the south on a shaded street just west of Rock Road. The officers like to jump out in front of multiple cars in an extremely unsafe manner.


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