Wichita, Kansas Speed Traps

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US Highway 54/400 near Before West St. Exit Heading West

Wichita, KansasSep 10, 20060 Comments

Cop sits in line of trees. If you are heading west on kellogg it will be to your right. There is a line of trees and they park in the trees. The cop situates his car so you cant see it from either lane. This is fairly new. Saw him peg a driver 9/9/06.

US Highway 54/400 near Ridge Road Interchange

Wichita, KansasMar 28, 20061 Comments

Police about once a month sit on the East side of the interchange on the east bound on ramp. Usual configuration is one unmarked police car sits at a 90 degree angle to the road up on the side of the hill behind the last tree running the radar. Usually between 8-18 police cars are lined up behind the trees up the on ramp back towards Ridge. Most people are usually clocked under the ridge road ramps in a 60mph zone. The 85th percentile traffic runs 75-80. Recommend to slow down toward the first bridge and watch the trees up to the right on the south side of the ridge road on-ramp. Otherwise, keep running! (U.S. Highway 54/400 aka Kellogg)

West 21st. North Street near Tyler Road

Wichita, KansasAug 05, 20051 Comments

Cops will sit just across the street from the Dairy Queen/Outdoor amusement park. The actually have three – four marked police cars on the side street waiting in line to nab violaters.

East Kellogg Road near Edgemore Street

Wichita, KansasMay 29, 20050 Comments

In the construction zone between Oliver and Edgemore, usually 2 or more traffic units sit behind the construction equipment.

Oliver Street near State Highway 96

Wichita, KansasMay 09, 20050 Comments

On north Oliver just south of K96 is the entrance to a park. Most days from 4pm until 5pm two or more cops will sit in there and pop people coming northbound. The spot is a natural trap. The entrance is blocked by a house and a large hedge row. The area is 40 mph, but there is very limited access. Mostly they catch WSU students headed for the highway.

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