Corbin, Kentucky Speed Traps
On Kentucky Avenue, the main one way through downtown
Corbin police start sitting in several locations along this route from Masters Street until the 2 way traffic near peach corner as soon as the weather starts to warm. Normally they hide behind buildings that block the drivers view until you are there and also sit in the various parking lots near dixie and at school lot. With the new speed limit signs posted all over town to just 25 mph they are actively enforcing this. Also, sitting in old Eaton and Gibbs lot on 5th street as it is now 25 also!!
US Highway 25E near East of town
Don’t think that that "vehicle enforcement" officers only chanse after trucks and man the weigh stations on the interstates. Saw one pulling over a speeding sports car east of Corbin. The vehicle enforcement officers may have a specific duty regarding truck traffic, but they are officers just the same and if an average joe ticks them off, they will give chase.
I-75 Median between the second Corbin exit and the first Williamsburg exit
Turn-out located between second Corbin exit and first Williamsburg exit on I-75 southbound (unsure of mile marker). Turn out is excellent place for police to observe/radar both north and southbound lanes. Usually give up to 7-8 mph before being cited. Mainly Kentucky State Police (KSP).