Independence, Kentucky Speed Traps

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536(east mt.zion), to Bristow, to Cain-Tuckee Acres

Independence, KentuckyMay 07, 20110 Comments

At the bottom of hill on Mt. Zion, when you see the cows, this is a new neighborhood, with a road, but no houses built yet, like back to the future. They sit there. after the stop sign on Bristow. it goes back to 45, then back to 35, before you get to Cain-Tuckee Acres. they also sit at the stop sign. They patrol the entire stretch as well.

17 North and South coming from Independence

Independence, KentuckyApr 17, 20100 Comments

From around the UDF North to the first light. Watch for the 45 speed limit coming out of UDF north on 17 and then 55 to the light.

Bottom of hill on Harris Pike

Independence, KentuckyApr 12, 20100 Comments

The bottom of the hill by the fairgrounds. Cops love to catch people who coast down the hill there. But pretty much the entire Harris pike is one large speed trap.

Rt 536 Just West of Bristow Rd Intersection.

Independence, KentuckyMar 28, 20100 Comments

That section of 536 is 35mph, other portions are 45mph, its switches back and forth and Independence Pd is always watching.

City Of Indepedence Road near State Route 17

Independence, KentuckyJan 03, 20081 Comments

Bout any were you drive in Independence, You can get a ticket.. Police Hide behind Anything that they Find. Stop Signs. Buildings. Churches, Driveways. The City has a lot of "Cow Path" Crooked 1800’s Roads where the speed is 25 to 35 MPH. Do 5 miles Over and see The Judge..


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